
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Princess P photography...

When Rachel gets a hold of my phone she does things like put pictures of CJ in a Minnie Mouse frame and take pictures of her toys. You wouldn't think a three year old would be so tech savvy as to know how to operate an Iphone, but she can do almost anything I can do on this phone.

sleepy girl

My little snugglebug fell asleep laying on my chest on the couch last night. I got up for a second, and when I came back this is what I saw:

Bless her little heart! The funny thing is we were watching America's Funniest Home Videos before she fell asleep, and they had a video of a little boy doing the same thing. I guess I should've grabbed my video camera instead of my camera.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

fortune cookie say:

Rachel's fortune cookie from last night: (Yes we eat Chinese way too often)

Relationships are like investments. The more you put in, the greater your return.

This is the face you get when you give a three year old a sour Skittle. haha. She loves them.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

our little soccer player

We are so glad the rain held off tonight so Rachel could have her first soccer practice. This girl had so much fun tonight. She didn't want to leave when practice was over. I think she really likes her coach and her team mates. You just had to see this big girl running down the field with the ball. She even made two goals, well actually three but one didn't count because she threw it in with her hands. :) Can't blame a girl for trying! Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rachel and I went to the races to cheer on Jon Boy Saturday night. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate. We were glad to get to visit with Aunt Wannie, Uncle Tony, and MeMe though. Rachel was also glad to see her George, Mr. Bill, and Markie. (all in Rachel's words :) )

This is how his week went last weekend... I'm glad we missed that one!


We took the girls to the cupcake store for the first time last weekend. What a fun place! There were way too many cupcakes to choose from. Rachel chose the birthday cake one because it had pink sprinkles (imagine that), I got the white chocolate chip one, and we took a red velvet one home to Jonathan. Rachel loves spending time with her cousins!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Grandmother's Love


As I hold you in my arms for the first time,I look down at your innocent face and tell you, "I am your Grandma" and I tell you what good friends we'll become.
I promise you that My Heart will Always be a safe haven where my Love for you will know no obstacles.
I will ALWAYS have Faith In You and Believe in You.
My Home will Always Be Your Home.
YOU ARE MY SECOND CHANCE, Sweet Innocent baby.
My Second chance to bake cookies, and watch the sparkling anticipation in your eyes.
My Second chance to sit and rock a baby to sleep in my arms, experiencing the tiny heart beating next to mine as you rest upon my chest.
My Second chance to experience the wonder of a child discovering he can walk and blow dandelions into the sky.
A Second chance to view the world through the innocence of a child's heart.
AND THIS TIME, there will be NO Rushing to keep schedules and Clean the house.
You have the Advantage of My Years and having gained the wisdom of knowing what's Really Important in Life.
You have the Advantage that I know my place in the world and that a few cobwebs Don't really matter.
As the Poem goes, You have the Advantage that I Now know that Babies Don't Keep.
I Promise to the a child with you when you need me to be and a source of strength when that's what you need from me.
I Promise that you will hear more YES' from me and fewer No's, BUT I will always honor and respect the place of your mother and father, into who's care, God has placed you. I will Never try to outshine them or diminish their role in your life.
For as Much as I Love You, They Love You More.
We'll grow old together... I'll Just get there a little sooner.
And someday, when I'm gone, You'll look back upon all the Times we Shared and you'll Smile.
The word "Grandmother"Will ALWAYS hold a special place in your heart,just as YOU have Always held one in mine.

(author unknown)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

To Be or Not To Be...

So... Rachel is already signed up to play soccer in the fall. The question now is: does she do dance and soccer? Who knew a 3 year old's schedule could be so hectic? It would work out so well if soccer were on Saturdays like most towns, but here they have it during the week. Ok, fine. At least it will be cooler. The problem comes in when ballet and soccer would be on the same night. You can see where this would be a problem. So the question remains, to be a ballerina and a soccer player or just a soccer player this year.
To be continued...

fortune cookie say:

Fortune cookie say:
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Princess P's first trip to the library...

I took Rachel to the library for the first time today. She LOVED it. We spent an hour and a half reading every book she could get her hands on. We ended up coming home with "The Life of a Car", "Fancy Nancy's Splendiferous Christmas", and "A Cache of Jewels."

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

So right about now, CJ is boarding a plane on his way back to Virginia. I am so sad. We are going to miss him terribly. We crammed enough fun into the two weeks he was here to fill up an entire summer.

Here he is stomping Lawanna at checkers. Every once in a while Rachel would reach over and move a checker. Instead of getting mad at her, he would calmly say, "Let's leave that there. You can move mine on my next turn." He is so patient with her. How many teenage boys can you say that about?

Until next time...We will miss you CJ!
Love from the Parrs

Monday, July 12, 2010

The puzzle master...

Princess P loves to put puzzles together. She amazes me how fast she can put them together.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This photo just makes me laugh. It reminds me of a Pantene commercial. She was supposed to be posing to take a picture with Kayla, but she was being silly instead.

The power of words

I was reading the Metro Christian Living Magazine and came upon an interesting article about the power of words. My mom is doing a Bible study at her church about that very thing. The article cited Proverbs 25:11 "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
It is amazing how our words can affect others so deeply. They can be used to build someone up or tear someone down. Col. 4:6 says "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." That would be God's way of telling us to choose our words wisely. That article just jumped out at me because I need to work on that myself.

On another note, this is my weekend to work, and I am missing my baby oh so badly. As I was telling her bye this morning, she said, "I hope you come back here soon." I love that baby girl.

Friday, July 9, 2010

K is for King

We went by Rachel's school on our off day the other day to drop something off. While we were there Rachel wanted to go say hey to her friends. They were busy little bees, decorating their very own crowns. Mrs. Norma gave one to Rachel for us to take home and decorate, which of course Rachel wanted to do the second we got home. In the picture you can see our handiwork. She has really enjoyed her crown. After all, she is a Princess!

The three year old class is learning about the letter "K" this week, hence the crown project. When I got there to pick her us this afternoon, Ms. Tasha told Rachel to tell me what she learned today. She told me that K says kuh (?) - not really sure how to spell out the letter sound. Then her teacher told her to tell me what else she learned today. Rachel just acted embarrased and wouldn't tell me, so the other little girls in her class yelled out "Wow! You look fabulous!" I laughed so hard. They are so much fun at this age!
Until next time...
Love from the Parrs