
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Disney on Ice

So, I haven't written a blog in what seems like forever. Sorry about that. I guess life got in the way- happens sometimes. :) Rachel and I had a chance to go see Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes the other night, and I thought it was fitting for a blog post. Rachel was so super excited for weeks leading up to this show, and it did not disappoint.
We got to the show early so she could meet Cinderella. She was shy at first and didn't want to take her picture with her, but as we were about to go find our seats, she decided she wanted to. She was mesmerized by Cinderella. Rachel was so excited when Cinderella bent down and waved directly to her. It made her night. Rachel has a new thing where if she is nervous she puts her hands in her hair. She did this with Santa too.

Adrienne told Bridgett and I that she saw on the news where there would be "little people" skating as the Dwarfs. I was looking forward to this most of all; that's bad, I know. To my disappointment they were regular size adults, but they put on a good show. Dopey was especially cute.

Here is Rachel modeling her $10 cotton candy crown. Those people must make a killing off of the souveniers. A snowcone in a collectible cup was $15. Thankfully she was ok with not getting the snowcone, considering it was 20 degrees outside.
Rachel and Emily were on the edge of their seats the entire time. They also talked to each other
the entire time. Bridgett and I said we don't see how they heard a single song in the show. They were just too excited. I loved watching the looks on their faces as each new scene unfolded. They were so funny trying to copy the dance moved the skaters did in their seats. They would each say, "I can do that" and try to raise their leg up like the skaters. They were too funny.
The excitement on these faces must have been from when Snow White came out. She is who they were most looking forward to.
After the show they got to take their picture in front of the castle and got to see the ice up close. Rachel wanted to go out on to the ice.

Lillie, Rachel, and Emily:
We had such a great time, and I was so glad she got to share the experience with her friends.

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