I decided to break out the sewing machine this weekend. After blowing the dust and cobwebs off of it (no, not really), I ended up making two dresses. These were my first ones to do without a pattern, so I'm kind of proud of them, even if one was too small. Of course my little helper was on hand to supervise. Sometimes she is even a little too much help, I think. :)
She was trying it on for size before I sewed it up:
She supervised every stitch:
Even under the scrutinizing eye of Princess P, sewing supervisor, extroidenaire, things happen. Things like sewing a wrong side to a right side: (oops)
That's when it becomes neccessary to break out this handy little gadget: the seam-ripper. I think I would rather pull my eyelashes out one by one that rip apart an entire side of a dress, just saying.
Once the dress was finished, Rachel put aside her supervisory duties and became my little model. And what a good little model she was. The first dress was a little snug around the waist. She bowed out her chest and said, "It's a little tight when I do like this." I wish I had taken a picture of us trying to get her out of the dress. That was an experience. Guess I'll have to save this one to sell at the Blueberry Festival next year.