
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

soccer game!!

Here she is about to make a goal! Go #2!
She is so proud of herself when she makes a goal.

I'm really not sure how she did this, but it made for a cool picture.

Scoring her 2nd goal!

She was telling her daddy she had one more to go. Before the game she told him she was going to make 3 goals, so after each one she was counting down.

Silly little girl. She likes to make faces at us during the game.
Her coach asked her where her goal was, and she told him she was going to kick it to her mommy. He didn't really like that answer. :) She gets excited when she gets the ball and kicks it in the goal closest to her, whether it is her team or the other team's goal.

This was right after she scored a goal. She was telling us she made 3 goals.

She pouts if she has to come off of the field for any length of time.

There she goes with the silly faces and poses again. :)

Baby girl and I have enjoyed having these two days off to hang out and play, and that is about all we have accomplished. We did do a little sewing and run a couple of errands, but we have had a ball.

This baby can't even make a mean face without smiling! I love her!

We were being silly.

Princess P talked me into playing Play-Doh this morning. I have to confess that Play-Doh is near the bottom of my "Things I like to do" list, but she loves it.

Birthday cake anyone???

Monday, September 6, 2010

my little sewing model

I got this sweet birdie fabric early this year, but I couldn't decide what to make out of it. I finally got it out this weekend and made a sweet little knot dress out of it. I am proud of how it came out, and Rachel loves it. As soon as I finished it, she wanted to put it on and take pictures- a girl after my own heart. While Daddy was out car shopping we sewed and played outside and took pictures. She loves to laugh for her pictures. She cracks me up!

This was my very favorite picture:

Back of the dress:

last soccer practice

We had our last soccer practice two weeks ago, and games started last week. I forgot to put my memory card in my camera, so I have no pictures from her first game. She did really good though. She even scored a goal! She was so proud of herself, and she looked so cute in her big ole jersey.

Labor Day

We had such a nice and relaxing Labor Day weekend. I got a new camera, so I have been taking pictures like crazy. Of course Rachel is more than happy to pose for a picture, so it works out well. :)I have a new nephew named Marley. He is the sweetest puppy ever! Rachel is terrified of dogs, but she did at least try to play with Marley. She even got brave and sat with Addy and Ivy and called Marley over to play:
She was very brave until the puppy decided to come play:
My beautiful niece Addy:
My other beautiful niece Ivy: